
Tanja Widmann

Lying Daughters
Produced by Johannes Porsch
24. 6. – 4. 8. 2023

Lying Daughters dreht sich um das Falsche im Sinne des Fragwürdigen. Der Ausgangspunkt ist einfach: Sind es die falschen oder richtigen Bilder oder sind es einfach nur Bilder, sind die Bilder einfach nur da? Ist es nichts weiter als das: falsche Zeichnung, falsche Bilder, falsches Setting, falsche Kunst? Oder aber: Der unauflösbare Rest steht der Möglichkeit, einfach nur falsch zu sein, gegenüber. Das bietet die Gelegenheit der Fabrikation. Every word she writes is a lie, even “and” and “but.”

Lying Daughters revolves around the false in the sense of the questionable. The starting point is simple: is it the wrong or right image, or is it just an image, are the images just there? Is it nothing more than that: wrong drawing, wrong images, wrong setting, wrong art? Or else: the irresolvable remainder faces the possibility of just being wrong. This opens up the opportunity to fabricate. Every word she writes is a lie, even “and” and “but.”

fig. 1127

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1128

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1129

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Flicker), Samples from: Copi, La puissance ou la jouissance. Félix Guattari (Ed.), Recherche, 3 milliards des perverts. Grande encyclopédie des homosexualités, March 1973, 2023, Video, b&w, no sound, Loop, Ed. 2 + 1 AP

fig. 1130

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Flicker), Samples from: Copi, La puissance ou la jouissance. Félix Guattari (Ed.), Recherche, 3 milliards des perverts. Grande encyclopédie des homosexualités, March 1973, 2023, Video, b&w, no sound, Loop, Ed. 2 + 1 AP

vid. (n.n.)

Tanja Widmann, Excerpt from Simple Lines (Flicker), Samples from: Copi, La puissance ou la jouissance. Félix Guattari (Ed.), Recherche, 3 milliards des perverts. Grande encyclopédie des homosexualités, March 1973, 2023, Video, b&w, no sound, Loop, Ed. 2 + 1 AP

fig. 1165

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1131

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1133

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1134

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Girlfriends), 2023, Inkjetprints, graphite, pink masking tape on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.370 × 31.496 in), framed

fig. 1135

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Girlfriends), 2023, Inkjetprints, graphite, pink masking tape on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.370 × 31.496 in), framed

fig. 1136

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Girlfriends), 2023 (Detail), Inkjetprints, graphite, pink masking tape on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.370 × 31.496 in), framed

fig. 1137

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Girlfriends), 2023, Inkjetprints, graphite, pink masking tape on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.370 × 31.496 in), framed

fig. 1138

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1140

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1141

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1143

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1145

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Common Trumpet Creeper), 2023, Inkjetprint, Perspexbox, 34.5 × 25 × 2,5 cm (13,582 × 9,842 × 0.984 in)

fig. 1146

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Decor), 2023, Tape on mirror tile on natural chipboard, 30 × 100 × 1,9 cm (11.811 × 39.370 × 0.748 in)

fig. 1147

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Decor), 2023, Tape on mirror tile on natural chipboard, 30 × 100 × 1,9 cm (11.811 × 39.370 × 0.748 in)

fig. 1148

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Decor), 2023 (Detail), Tape on mirror tile on natural chipboard, 30 × 100 × 1,9 cm (11.811 × 39.370 × 0.748 in)

fig. 1149

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1151

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Decor), 2023, Tape on mirror tile on natural chipboard, 15 × 97 × 1,9 cm (5.905 × 38.188 × 0.748 in)

fig. 1152

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Decor), 2023, Tape on mirror tile on natural chipboard, 15 × 97 × 1,9 cm (5.905 × 38.188 × 0.748 in)

fig. 1153

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Decor), 2023, Tape on mirror tile on natural chipboard, 15 × 97 × 1,9 cm (5.905 × 38.188 × 0.748 in)

fig. 1154

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Decor), 2023 (Detail), Tape on mirror tile on natural chipboard, 15 × 97 × 1,9 cm (5.905 × 38.188 × 0.748 in)

fig. 1155

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1156

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1157

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Profile), 20.6.2023, 2023, Wall drawing, graphite on emulsion paint, masking tape pink, Dimensions variable

fig. 1159

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Profile), 20.6.2023, 2023 (Detail), Wall drawing, graphite on emulsion paint, masking tape pink, Dimensions variable

fig. 1161

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Profile), 20.6.2023, 2023 (Detail), Wall drawing, graphite on emulsion paint, masking tape pink, Dimensions variable

fig. 1162

Tanja Widmann, Lying Daughters, Produced by Johannes Porsch, 2023, Installation view, FELIX GAUDLITZ, Vienna

fig. 1164

Tanja Widmann, Simple Lines (Daddy), 20. – 25. 12. 1961, 2023, Inkjetprint, Perspexbox, 31 × 23 × 2,5 cm (12.204 × 9.055 × 0.984 in)
